Sunday, November 9, 2008

All the parts of me....

I was at the mall yesterday and stopped into Blue Moon. Yeah I'm into that 'new age' stuff a bit - love aromatherapy, still think incense burners can be works of art, love artisan jewelry compared to big box jewelry stores. Well there was a coffee mug that said something like "Life isn't about finding yourself, it's about creating yourself". That one stayed with me. After my accomplishments today, I'd say life's a bit of both - and it's taken me a long time to figure that out.
Today I'm pretty happy with myself. Part of that is because I got a great night's sleep - way overdue! My early morning walk with our 16-month shih tzu puppy was invigorating - and before my coffee! If I'd made a "list of things to do today" I'd have crossed off a whole bunch of things.. and it's just 2:30. But best of all I spent time on my biggest investment - ME. Working on this blog is an investment in my stamping business (which I've needed to do to take the next step), but more importantly I learned something new. And it was a BIG new thing - something that belongs to my daughter's generation, not mine. Somehow melding art and technology made me feel energized and fulfilled. I've learned that feeling fulfilled can come in doses, it doesn't have to be a constant - and that's a relief.
Hmmmmm... I think I'll go back to my stamping. Will I make a card, plan a workshop, place an order (love to shop), or make a mini-scrapbook for a christmas present...... I'll just go to my desk and let it come to me.
You know, I think I'm going to like this blog thing!

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